Top 10k strings from Plus D System Tape v2 (1988)(Miles Gordon Technology).z80
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2 X,Y;"DO YOU WANT 2 '"When the 2 "CONFIG3_C" 2 "CONFIG2_C" 2 "CONFIG1_C" 1 yrlf`[VQLHD@=9630-+(&$" 1 the interface will send codes toINITIALIZE the printer. This isto make sure your printer is notin the wrong mode." 1 d1""+SYS 2"" 1 a new disc and save acopy of this program to it." 1 X1,Y;"SET n/72"" 1 X1,Y;"SET OTHER CODES= ";N$ 1 X1,Y;"SET CHAR PITCH = ";N$ 1 X1,Y;"PRINT `# 1 X1,Y;"LINES PER INCH = 1 X1,Y;"LINE WIDTH = 1 X1,Y;"LINE FEEDS = "; 1 X1,Y;"LEFT MARGIN = 1 X1,Y;"INITIALIZATION = ";N$ 1 X1,Y;"BIT IMAGE MODE = ";N$ 1 X1,Y;"BIT IMAGE GRAPHICS = "; 1 X,Y;"WILL YOU BE USING THE 1 X,Y;"UTILITY 1 X,Y;"SYSTEM 1 X,Y;"PRINTER PORT "; 1 X,Y;"NUMBER OF DRIVES = 1 X,Y;"IS DRIVE ";I;;" 1 X,Y;"FLASHING 1 X,Y;"ENTER DRIVE STEP-RATE (6-255 ms)";D$;"8ms" 1 X,Y;"DRIVE STEP-RATE = 1 X,Y;"DRIVE ";I;" IS 1 X,Y;"DO YOU WISH TO ALTER THE PRINTEROPTIONS?";Y$ 1 X,Y;"DO YOU WISH TO ALTER THE PRINTERCONTROL CODES?";Y$ 1 X,Y;"DO YOU WISH THE 1 X,Y;"DO YOU WANT TO SAVE THIS UTILITYPROGRAM TO DISC ? ";Y$,,, 1 X,Y;"DO YOU HAVE 1 WIDTH (excl margins)" 1 WAIT FOR HAND OF 1 V$=C$+",0123456789N"+ 1 V$="YN"+C$: 1 V$="SD"+C$: 1 V$="48"+C$: 1 V$="12"+C$: 1 V$="0123456789"+C$+ 1 T(I)=T(I)+128 1 Section 2. Summary 1 Section 1. Summary 1 SET n/72 LINE SPACE:- 1 SET OTHER FUNCTIONS:- 1 SET OTHER FUNCTIONS 1 SET CHARACTER PITCH 1 SET CHAR PITCH:- 1 SET BIT IMAGE MODE 1 SET BIT IMAGE GRAPHIC MODE:- 1 SECTION 3 - PRINTER CONTROL CODES 1 SECTION 2 - PRINTER 1 SECTION 1 - DISC 1 SAVING SYSTEM FILE 1 SAVING ""CONFIG"" 1 QUESTION 9. 1 QUESTION 8. 1 QUESTION 7. 1 QUESTION 6. 1 QUESTION 5. 1 QUESTION 4. 1 QUESTION 3. 1 QUESTION 2. 1 QUESTION 1O. 1 QUESTION 11. 1 QUESTION 1. 1 PROMT FOR DISC 1 PRINTER PARAMETERS 1 PRINTER CONTROL CODES. 1 PRESS ENTER 1 PLEASE WAIT 1 OUBLE SIDED?"'D$;"DOUBLE" 1 Numeric Value Only. 1 Number of Free K-Bytes = 1 M$="ENTER CONTROL CODES SEPARATED BYCOMMAS 1 LOADING.. PLEASE WAIT. 1 INPUT NUMBER 1 INITILIZE PRINTER:- 1 INITIALIZE PRINTER 1 G+DOS Version 2 Loaded. 1 Decimal Values E.G. 27,45,2 1 DURING DISC OPERATIONS";Y$'D$;"YES" 1 DISC PARAMETERS 1 D*"CONFIG3_C" 1 D*"CONFIG2_C" 1 D*"CONFIG1_C" 1 CONFIG 1 CHANGE disc and press SPAC 1 BEPRINTED AS A LEFT HAND MARGIN." 1 ARE THESE ALL OK? ";Y$;" 1 ;"THE BEST INTERFACE"; 1 ;"PRESS ANY KEY 1 ;"ON USING"; 1 ;"DO YOU WISH TO REPEAT?";Y$ 1 1987 Miles Gordon Technology. 1 1987 INDUG. 1 0 TRACK?"'D$;"80" 1 ,Y;"IS DRIVE ";I;" 1 * MGT PLUS D DISC 1 'S"''"PRINTER PORT?";Y$ 1 ''"This utility program was writtento help you set up your personal'SYSTEM' file for the 1 ''"The first set of questions givesyour 1 '"You may find this figure in the'Specification' section." 1 '"You can have 1 or 2 drives, theycan be 40 or 80 track, single ordouble sided or any combination." 1 '"You can enter a value from 1-255remember to deduct the LEFT HANDMARGIN and any margin you wanton the right of the page. " 1 '"When you first 'BOOT' the 1 '"To print Graphic Characters andScreen Dumps the 1 '"This is known as the SYSTEM DISCWrite Protect the disc, and keepit safe. This means you can loadthis program from disc in futurewhen you need to make changes toyour SYSTEM." 1 '"This could be used with the nextquestion (width) to centre text." 1 '"These could be used, for exampleto set page length or select thecharacter set." 1 '"The software in the 1 '"The program will ask a series ofquestions about your DISC DRIVESand PRINTER, most require just asingle keypress to answer." 1 '"The next section deals with theControl Codes the 1 '"The characters `,# and 1 '"Remember, your printer can't beharmed by sending wrong codes sodon't be afraid to experiment." 1 '"Remember, INDUG, the IndependentUsers Group, who publish FORMAT.They help you get the most fromyour 1 '"Printer manuals may show controlcodes in several ways. The samecode i.e. INITILIZE PRINTER canbe given in Decimal as 1 '"PRINT ` # 1 '"Most printers offer a choice ofprint styles, PICA, NLQ, ELITE,CONDENSED etc. Select the styleyou like to use for printing." 1 '"Most printers have a switch thatdetermines if Line-Feeds(CHR$10)need to be sent after a carriagereturn (CHR$13)." 1 '"Most printers have a line widthof 80 characters. It may dependon the printing mode." 1 '"Make sure your printer's manualis on hand, you will need it toanswer questions in the printersection." 1 '"Look up the code to set NormalDensity Bit Image Mode. The FX80code is 27,75,n1,n2. Where n1,n2give the length of data. Do NOTenter the n1,n2 figures as theseare supplied by the 1 '"LINES PER INCH = 1 '"LINE WIDTH = 1 '"LINE FEEDS = ";(S$(1 1 '"LEFT MARGIN = 1 '"It is recommended that you SAVEthe system file on all discs, itallows you to 'BOOT' your systemfrom any disc. To save enter thedirect command:-"'" 1 '"In the questions that follow youmust enter the Control Codes asa list of numbers, in the range0-127, separated by commas(,).The first 8 numbers are valid." 1 '"If your printer manual gives nocode for this then enter 128 sothe 1 '"If you use an EPSON FX80 printer(or a 'Compatible') these codesshould not need altering."''"If yours is a different printer(or you are not sure) then checkthe codes with your manual." 1 '"If you have problems making yourprinter work with the 1 '"If you don't want the 1 '"If you do not know the STEP-RATE(given in milliseconds) for yourdrives then try 6ms. If you haveproblems FORMATing a disc later,you can select a slower speed." 1 '"If you are using two drives withdifferent STEP-RATES then enterthe rate for the slower drive." 1 '"If you answer NO to the questionthen some other questions willbe missed out." 1 '"Find out how your printer is setand then answer Question 1." 1 '"Enter the code to set this modeand the 1 '"Don't worry about the value of nas this is given by the 1 '"BIT IMAGE GRAPHICS = ";(S$(1 1 "If you need to format more discsthen enter as a direct commandthe following: 1 " Please answer each question by either pressing a key to match one of the FLASHING options or enter a value. 1 youshould contact the User Group ortalk to your local dealer." 1 you mustnow 1 will send them atthe Initialize stage and when itresets after printing graphics." 1 will send nothing." 1 whichcontrols the printer port is setfor an 'EPSON FX80' printer. Ifa different printer is connectedthe control codes may need to bealtered." 1 uses onyour printer." 1 system parameters arenow set. If you are using thisprogram for the first time afterpurchasing your 1 prints a ScreenDump it alters the Line Spacingon the printer. Look up the codein your manual to set n/72 inchline spacing." 1 or in the form 1 needs toselect the Bit Image Mode." 1 needs the codes to beentered as decimal numbers so ifyour manual uses another formatyou will need to convert them." 1 needs the number ofLines Per Inch you normally haveyour printer set to." 1 may notprint on some printers as theyuse codes that are not standard." 1 details about yourDISC DRIVES." 1 can set a LEFT marginby printing spaces at the startof each line." 1 can print them usingBit Image Graphics if you wish." 1 can print Graphic andUDG characters if your printerhas a Bit Image Graphics mode." 1 and run a 'HOT LINE'service for members problems." 1 THEN PRESS ENTER 1 SYSTEM UTILITY 1 SYSTEM UTILITY 1 SYSTEM FILE ? ";Y$ 1 Miles Gordon Technology G+DOS3 1 INITIALIZES yourprinter it can send 8 others ofyour choice." 1 ENSURE DISC IN DRIVE 1"," 1 DRIVES?"'D$;"2" 1 CATALOGUE * 1 = ";(S$(1 1 (or d2if the disc is in drive 2)." 1 ";D$;P$(5 1 ";D$;P$(4 1 ";D$;P$(3 1 ";D$;P$(2 1 ";D$;P$(1 1 tosend any codes then enter 128 asthe first number." 1 orin Hex as 1 V2.0 Jan 1988. 1 CHARACTERS";Y$; 1 ";D$;NL''"ENTER NUMBER OF LINES PER INCH FOR NORMAL PRINTING"; 1 ";D$;LW''"ENTER 1 ";D$;LM''"ENTER THE NUMBER OF SPACES 1 ";D$;"YES"''"DOES YOUR PRINTER HAVE BIT IMAGEGRAPHICS?";Y$ 1 ";D$;"YES"''"DO YOU WISH TO PRINT ` # and 1 ";D$;"NO"''"DO YOU REQUIRE LINE FEEDS AFTER CARRIAGE RETURNS?";Y$